
Showing posts from January, 2020

What we did today

Today we wrote a poem from the heart.

Test day

Today we took a test Langston Hughes poem.

What we learned today

Today we learned that you have to stay focus because life can change in a split of a second. Once you lose focus you can end hurt yourself badly physically or mentally.

What we learned friday


Langston Hughes

The speaker begins by declaring that he too can “sing America,” meaning that he is claiming his right to feel patriotic towards America, even though he is the “darker” brother who cannot sit at the table and must eat in the kitchen. This alludes to the common practice of racial segregation during the early 20th century, when African Americans faced discrimination in nearly every aspect of their lives. They were forced to live, work, eat and travel separately from their white counterparts, had few civil or legal rights, were often victims of racial violence, and faced economic marginalization in both the North and the South. 
I will always look up to Jerry Judy as the best college player to play college football. He inspired me to be the best Wr I can be. Jerry have good talent and speed. When I get accept to University of Alabama, I want to get the same number jerry Judy had.
He thinks of a day in the future, though, where she might ask again. This story will be his response to his grown-up daughter if she asks the same question. And this time, the answer will be yes . But the past still haunt him about killing the man whom was walking in the morning fog.
I'm 16 years old in the 11th grade. I'm very good athlete and very hard worker. I like to work harder to achieve bigger goals, so I can be better in life. I have a 3.5 GPA a